Sunday, March 5, 2017


S - S stands for strengths (what you are good at)
W - W stands for weakness ( what you are bad at)
O - O stands for opportunities ( what will help you achieve you strengths)
T - T stands for threats ( What will stop you on the way of achieving your goals)

-  Theory/ school work
-  Completing my work
-  Basketball

-  Staying focus in class
-  Watching videos
-  getting angry at refs

- Family
- Friends
- Teacher

- Games
- youtube
- loud music

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

What is self managment

  • What is self management? To me ,self-management is an something that us people need to learn. It helps us in our everyday lives and helps us control what we do and how we do it.
  • Why is it important we are self managed? It is important because it can help me later in life. For example I could be of task playing games when I am suppose to do an important assessment, this wouldn't be make me self managed and would be wasting my time on a good cause.
  • What are some strategies to be self managed? Some good strategies you could do to be self managed is not giving up and strive to finish you work this strategy is called motivation. Another Strategy is Resiliency facing your problems and not turning back on it.
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